An inclusive environment for all

St Michael’s has a strong commitment to inclusion and has a Focus Provision for physical disabilities.

All of the SEND students, including those in the Focus Provision, are helped to achieve their full potential through a personalised approach to both the learning process itself and to the support available within and beyond the school. Co-ordinated multi-agency work ensures all students access an appropriate range of support and all students are fully integrated and have access to all facilities. Students are offered a broad and balanced curriculum and the opportunity to enjoy every aspect of school life.

The SEND department is managed by a SEN Co-ordination team. There is also a dedicated team of Learning Support Practitioners/Assistants.

The LSP/LSAs are involved in the day to day care of individual special needs students. Our aim is to provide an extensive programme of structured in-class support to students in mainstream lessons. The LSPs also work with individual or small groups of students to improve literacy, numeracy, communication and social skills. Details of individual students` special needs are provided for all teaching staff, enabling them to plan their lessons effectively to meet these needs. Students who have an Educational Health Care Plan have a student profile to support teachers with their planning, teaching and reviewing to ensure that each student reaches their full potential.


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