At St Michael’s Church of England High School, all members of staff and governors accept responsibility for disadvantaged children and are committed to meeting their pastoral, social, and academic needs within a caring environment.
The school receives additional funding in the form of pupil premium for children entitled to free school meals in the last 6 years (FSM6), children in care, and children of parents in the armed forces (Service Premium). From September 2014, pupils recently adopted from care under the Adoption and Children Act 2002 and children who have left care under a Special Guardianship or Residence Order have also been eligible for additional funding.
Our school leaders carefully assess the pupils’ needs and use the funding to improve attainment, drawing on evidence of effective practice from the Education Endowment Foundation and other educational research. Pupil premium is not a personal budget for individual pupils, and schools are not required to spend all of the allocated grant on eligible pupils. Since September 2012, we have been required to publish online information about how we have used the pupil premium. This ensures that parents/carers and others are made fully aware of the attainment of pupils covered by pupil premium, and the extra support that they receive.
There is £430,560 funding available for pupil premium during the financial year 2023/24. The pupil premium rate for eligible pupils can be found here.
In 2023 to 2024 financial year, schools received the following funding for each pupil registered as eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point in the last 6 years:
- £1,455 for pupils in reception to year 6
- £ 1,035 for pupils in year 7 to year 11
Schools will receive £2,530 for any pupil:
- identified in the January 2023 school census or the alternative provision census as having left local authority care as a result of:
- adoption
- a special guardianship order
- a child arrangements order (previously known as a residence order)
- who has been in local authority care for 1 day or more recorded as both eligible for FSM in the last 6 years and as being looked after (or as having left local authority care)
The three-year plan for pupil premium is reviewed in December of each year to measure the progress towards our intended outcomes and ensure that we are meeting needs appropriately.