Free Access to eBooks with Sora!
Although the school library is closed, we are still doing our best to deliver students good quality books and resources.
Reading for pleasure is an essential part of keeping your mind well and improving your wellbeing. It allows your brain to rest and recover from the stresses of daily life. Now more than ever, it is important that we take the time to pick up a book once a day and give our minds a break.
St Michael’s Church of England High School has subscribed to the online reading platform Sora. This is a fantastic resource for students and teachers as it gives you access to 1000s of good quality fiction and non-fiction books and audiobooks. It also tracks what students are reading, sets their reading goals and tracks their achievements to encourage them to keep reading.
Sora is an app, which is linked to our Library Management system. Students can also access eBooks by visiting the school website and logging into their online library account (Reading Cloud) found on the student page next to the email sign in. Again, all they need to log into their library account is their 4 digit barcode.
To log into Sora, if students know their library barcode, all they need to do is sign in using the information below:
Username: 15989-XXXX*
Password: reading
(XXXX is your 4 digit library barcode)
Email to request a library barcode with the name of the student,or contact the library team if you need assistance or more information about Sora or logging into the Reading Cloud via the website.
Download the Sora app today via the Play store or the App store, and get reading!