Rewarding students at St Michael’s come in many different forms, these include:
- Achievement credits
- Subject phone calls home/postcards
- Awards assemblies
- Student certificate
- Wing badges
- Star badges
- Lunch rewards
- Attendance rewards: 100% attenders, Best Form Attendance
- Form Achievement certificates
- Well Done Friday subject nominations
At St Michael’s, we have introduced a House System with four different houses. Once students start at St Michael’s, they will be informed which House they are in and they will remain in that House throughout their time at St Michael’s.
Our Houses:
Throughout the course of the year, students will participate in many competitions that contribute to their overall House points total. Some of these competitions include:
- Attendance League Tables
- Punctuality League Tables
- Positive Behaviour League Tables
- 30 Day Challenges
- Winter Sports Day
- Summer Sports Day
- Subject-specific competitions