Year 11 Exam Information

Year 10 Exam Information

Year 9 Exam Information

Latest Exam Information

Information for Parents


Getting ready for exams:

What equipment do students need?

  • All the necessary equipment should be in a clear pencil case or bag.
  • Pens (BLACK INK), pencils ruler, rubber pencil sharpener and spares are all essential.
  • Their exam timetable, which will have their candidate number on.
  • Highlighter pens are very useful.
  • Calculators are allowed in exams except for Maths non-calculator paper.

Can students borrow equipment?

  • We have some basic equipment for pupils to borrow, but we expect students to provide their own. They must make sure they have maths equipment and that calculators work.

What must NOT be brought into the exam room?

  • Mobile phones, iPods, MP3/4 players, reading pens, calculator cases or lids.

Where can students leave these?

  • We collect these items from students as they come into the room and again after the warning about having unauthorised materials is read out. We keep these items in the exam room and students collect them as they leave. However, we do not accept responsibility for these items.

Are drinks and food allowed?

  • Students are not allowed food or sweets in exams.
  • They are allowed water, but all labels must be removed from drinks bottles.

What if there is a problem during the exam?

  • All our exams are run by a team of experienced invigilators, with the support of our exam officer.
  • If a student is distracted or has any concerns during the exam they must report the problem to an invigilator who will deal with the situation.

What if a student is ill?

  • If a student breaks their arm and can’t write we will provide a scribe.
  • If a student is very ill and cannot take the exam, we will need a doctor’s note with the precise nature of the illness at the time of each exam.
  • We need to know when the illness started and how long it lasted.

What happens if a student arrives late?

  • All morning exams have an official start time of 9.00 am and afternoon exams start at 1.30 pm.
  • If a student arrives within 1 hour of these times we can allow the student to sit the exam as normal.
  • If a student arrives later than this (or 30mins after the start time of an exam of less than 1 hour) we can allow the student to sit the exam as normal. However, we have to report lateness to the awarding body and the student’s work is unlikely to be accepted.

Exam Policies