Interfaith Week
During Interfaith Week, there will be a range of activities enabling students and staff to celebrate the diversity of faith and no faith at St Michael’s. We are encouraging the school value of Equality through the way students and staff will be reflecting on the beliefs and values that we live by every day.
As part of the week’s activities, we will be allowing students to wear an odd pair of socks or an alternative tie to school on Tuesday 14th May. The idea behind this is to celebrate our differences and use this as a physical reminder that we all have different beliefs about life’s big questions, and we can appreciate, accept, and include everyone, no matter if their beliefs are different to our own. All students will be able to participate on this day; however, we are aware twenty-three students will be completing their GCSE French Examination that afternoon. Therefore, if those students still wish to participate, they can, but they must change into their normal full school uniform before entering the exam hall.