How can I support my child?

  • Encourage your son or daughter to consider all options.
  • Look through the sixth form and college prospectuses with your son or daughter to see what options are available.
  • Research the entry requirements for the courses they are interested in, encouraging them to be realistic about their next steps.
  • Encourage your son or daughter to think about their next steps, long-term future and how they will use the subjects they have chosen.
  • Discuss your son’s or daughter’s career ideas with their Connexions personal adviser or careers staff.
  • Discuss their subject choices with their teachers to find out how they are progressing, and if taking the subject further would be a good idea.
  • Attend sixth form and college open days and evenings with your son or daughter.
  • Encourage them to take part in extracurricular activities, e.g. the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme, participate in work experience, and/or become a volunteer.

Planning ahead

If your son or daughter has a statement of special educational need, they will have a review of their statement every year. The purpose of the review is to make sure the young person’s needs are being met. The typical areas covered within the meeting include:

  • the support the young person needs in school
  • the young person’s career interests and future plans
  • the health and welfare needs of the young person

The young person, parents/carers, and representatives from any other agency working with the young person will be invited to participate in the meeting.

When the young person comes to leave St Michael’s, a ‘moving forward’ plan will be completed. The plan is designed to provide any future education provider with details of the young person’s needs so that they can continue to receive the same level of support at any other institution. Further information can be found at Connexions.


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