Admission Arrangements Consultaton - 2026 - 2027

St Michael’s Church of England High School is consulting on proposed changes to the admissions arrangements for 2026 – 2027. The proposed changes are in relation to meeting the best practice guidance from the Diocese and removing the criteria for applications on denominational grounds. The guidance from the Diocese is as follows:

  • Church of England schools were set up to follow the trust deeds, therefore, the principles of the Church of England are to provide education to local families, with no requirement for families to be members of the church.
  • Governing boards should consider who their school services in relation to their school’s theologically rooted vision and values statements.
  • A child’s experience of being part of a faith ‘full’ school community is much more important than their parent’s attendance at church.
  • If we believe in justice and equality, we must not set exclusive criteria but build communities in the love of Christ.

As a result of the Diocese guidance, St Michael’s has prioritised children with siblings and who live close to the school. We have also removed attendance at a place of worship as an admission criterion.

The relevant documentation is below. Printed copies of the proposed admission arrangements will be available on request at the school reception.

Comments concerning the proposed admission arrangements should be submitted by Monday 23rd of December, either in writing to The Admissions Team at St Michael’s Church of England High School or by email to

We look forward to receiving your views on our proposal.

Admission Arrangements 2025 - 2026

To apply for a place at St Michael’s, please visit the Sandwell admissions page. The annual application process for places in Y7 2025-2024 closed on the 31st of October 2024. The admission number for 2025-2026 is 270. Sandwell Council manages the application and appeals process for places at our school. To make an online application, please use this link:

If you wish to appeal, please read the appeals information on the Sandwell Local Authority website.

If you wish to complete a declaration form on denominational grounds in support of your application, it is available below. Please return the form to the school via email,, or by post.

Admission Arrangements 2024 - 2025

In the case of a mid-year request for admission, a student will be considered eligible for admission if there are available places in the relevant year group. To make an application for a mid-year transfer, please complete the mid-year application form below and submit it to Admissions at Sandwell Council. Your child’s current school must complete section 2 of the form.

If you wish to complete a declaration form on denominational grounds in support of your application, it is available below. Please return the form to the school via email,, or by post.