Mission Statement

All teachers at St Michael’s Church of England High School have responsibility for promoting the development of numeracy and are committed to developing numeracy skills in all of our students, in the belief that it will support their learning and raise standards across the curriculum.

We aim to create an inclusive and reflective learning environment that stimulates lifelong mathematicians who become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, developing the confidence to apply their mathematical skills and abilities.

Students must be able to accurately recall and apply facts that allow them to master skills and reason mathematically. We give full access to a high-quality mathematics curriculum that is both challenging and enjoyable, allowing for connections in their learning to be made and providing a greater depth of understanding.


St Michael’s Church of England High School has established a framework to make it possible for all students of all abilities to develop and improve their numeracy skills, within and outside of the curriculum.

Students are provided opportunities to develop their numeracy through form-time sessions where their progress is tracked and rewards are linked to the school house system, alongside tangible rewards.  Form groups compete to progress the most across each half term, and individual successes are also celebrated. Students at St Michael’s are also provided with a Sparx login, which further supports their independence and their opportunity to develop key skills highlighted throughout their time at our school. We build the homework to include a brief times tables challenge, retrieval questions from work covered previously and content they have recently studied in lessons.  Sparx has an algorithm that tailors the homework content to the child’s ability, ensuring homework is unique and tailored for every student.