Admissions Arrangements Consultation 2026-2027

St Michael’s Church of England High School is consulting on proposed changes to the admissions arrangements for 2026 – 2027. The proposed changes are in relation to meeting the best practice guidance from the Diocese and removing the criteria for applications on denominational grounds. The guidance from the Diocese is as follows: Church of England…

Secret Santa Christmas Appeal

At St Michael’s Church of England High School, we are proud to support the Primrose Hill Community Church’s Secret Santa Christmas Appeal. This initiative helps bring joy to families in need during the festive season. We invite all members of our school community to participate by donating gifts. Please drop your donations off at the…

Sandwell Academy Sixth Form Open Evening

Please see the Information above regarding Sandwell Academy’s Sixth Form Open Evening on Tuesday the 12th of November. Please scan the QR for more information OR click the link below to sign up for the different slots. If Year 11 students wish to attend the Sixth Form provision next year, they encourage students to…

Year 11 Take a Moment

This initiative has been set up to run every Friday evening, from the 18th of October, straight after school for 15 minutes, in the school chapel. It is an opportunity for our Year 11 students to have a place where they can take time for peaceful reflection, to come and talk to a member of…

Half-Term Break Up Date

Reminder: as Friday 25th October is a staff training day, students will break up for the half term on Thursday 24th October 2024. All year groups will finish school at 3:00 pm. Students should return to school at the normal time on Monday 4th November 2024. Thank you.

Year 7 Settling In Parents’ Evening

This event will give you the opportunity to meet with your child’s form tutor to discuss how well they are settling into school life at St Michael’s and address any issues or concerns you may have about the transition to secondary school. Appointments with form tutors can be made from Monday 30th September at 6:00…

The Chosen Youth Series

From Thursday 26th September, we have been running an extracurricular program to support students who wish to explore the concept of faith and spiritual development. We have been exploring the life of Jesus, using a TV Series called ‘The Chosen’. Students watch a short extract from the episode and then we open up to the…